How Did MyRaceCall Get Started?

Data Research

The principals of MyRaceCall have a long history in data research, data capture, digital investigations, calculating predictable outcomes to certain events, based on historical data and future modelling to provide accurate predictions to future events, which in turn decreased costs and significantly increased speed to completion, and success.

With more than forty years combined experience in this area of data modelling and predicted outcomes, some fifteen years ago they were engaged by a large international company to research and track specific data relating to horse racing. In addition to the collection of data they were asked to look at certain outcomes based on the data collected.

Engagement Data

As a part of the engagement data the following data was collected:

  • What races were won by horse’s with a particular pedigree bloodline:
  • Horses winning races multiple times within a given timeframe;
  • Horses that won races when they were not the favourite;
  • Horses who consistently won when there were certain weather conditions that existed including the tracking of rain, ambient temperature, strong wind, track condition and so on;

The data collected was fascinating, particularly to professional data analysts, so much so that they started to capture this data on an ongoing basis. The data was analysed, indicators were added and slowly they could see patterns emerging and outcome certainty was developing. Over a twelve month period copious hours of work was committed to refining the data and the development of a platform, which would combine the elements of the collected data, complete a number of  calculations and then deliver ‘predicted outcomes’ or in racing terms ‘winners’.

Over the first six months of trials they produced winners 25% of the time. Anyone who know anything about horse racing, or for that matter any gambling, you need to win more than 25% of the time, to come out in front. They were using, at that time, six primary pieces of data and it was decided that they needed to collect data relating to more areas of research. They went about and created an additional six new data fields, and these were added to the algorithm. The short story is that after a further six months they were consistently creating successful outcomes over 60% of the time.

Staggering Outcomes

We have been using this platform now for more than six years with nothing short of staggering outcomes. In 2020 during the pandemic we decided we should form a community interested in Horse Racing, to share the platform and My Race Call had it beginnings.