Racing boss’ baffling explanation for sexually explicit horse names

Chris Young· Sports Reporter 30 December 2020

Eagle-eyed punters have found plenty to laugh about online after one racing fan spotted two horses carrying less than family friendly names running in Brisbane on Tuesday.

The mid-week meet at Daegon would have otherwise flown under the radar were it not for two Darryl Ward-trained runners who had racing fans doing a double-take.

Their performance on track may not have been much to wrote home about, but Ward’s runners ‘Lovin’ Deqoque’ and ‘Get On Deqoque’ certainly got plenty of attention for their risque names.

First noticed by Twitter user StevoRidge1, the two horses finished fourth and second in races eight and nine on Tuesday.

The names of both horses prompted several other users to question how two decidedly immature names were able to be passed through Racing Australia’s filters.

Several others on Twitter suggested the names would be changed once the governing body caught wind of the joke, but Racing Australia’s CEO Myles Forman insisted to Channel 7 that the names weren’t pronounced the way punters online believed they were.

He added there was ‘nothing here that prompts concern’.

“We contact the owners when they lodge the names to make sure we know how the horse names are pronounced and what the meaning of the name is,” Forman said.

“And in this case it’s De-quo.

“Look, a combination of letters and words can mean different things to different people.

“In this case we were confident it should be pronounced De-quo.

“Therefore there’s nothing here that prompts concern for Racing Australia.”