Why there’s ‘absolutely no reason’ for early trackwork

Gilbert Gardiner, Mitch Cohen4:46PM13 February 202117 Comments

Melbourne-based David Eustace is co-trainer with Ciaron Maher and he wants to set the record straight – racehorses don’t need to be trained in the early hours of the morning.

“We really do have absolutely no reason for it,” Eustace said.

In a bygone era, where parklands doubled as racetracks, one could argue for pre-dawn starts but not anymore.

“We’re able to do it, I’m 29, I’m not going to make any complaints, but it doesn’t necessarily make it right and I think the workload on all the staff is too much,” Eustace said.

“Caulfield would be one of the last (public use tracks) and that’s why everyone has got to be off the track by 9.30am, so you could argue you have to start at 4am to get all the horses worked. We start at 5am at Ballarat, which is early enough, but you really notice the difference when you’re starting an hour later.”

With 250 horses in work and 120 staff across four stables, including operations at Caulfield, Ballarat, Pakenham and Warwick Farm in Sydney, the ever-growing Maher and Eustace stable divide to conquer the demands.

With runners often in multiple states, at both metropolitan and provincial level, Maher and Eustace will share the communication duties with jockeys and owners.

Maher has oversight of the Warwick Farm operation, which has been built to run as its own entity, operationally and administratively, with assistant trainer Jack Bruce at the helm.

“Everyone knows it’s obviously very intense and doesn’t stop,” Eustace said. “It’s probably the only sport in the world that is near enough to going all day, every day.”

However the hardworking Englishman, the son of a Newmarket trainer, would not have it any other way. Eustace is up at 4.15am most mornings and up until the week before Christmas, he went 15 months without an actual day off.

He did well to take the best part of six days leading up to the races on Boxing Day.

“It’s not unusual for us,” Eustace said.

“I suppose that’s the beauty of a training partnership, six days off and Ciaron’s here.

“Obviously you’re going to have a few people call you, and do a bit of work for an hour or two a day but, I was able to switch off.”

While not immune to the increasingly busier schedule, due to the popularity of twilight and night racing, the size and scope of Ciaron Maher Racing allows the team to share the workload.

Early morning trackwork at Flemington. Picture: AAP

“The trainer that has 30-40 horses and always taking horses to the races, probably racing four or five times a week, the demands on the evenings is much higher,” Eustace said.

“It’s a bit more intense the more (horses) you have but with 30 or 40 you’re probably a bit more hands-on.”

To reduce the risk of burnout and extreme fatigue, CMR ensures its staff and drivers who are rostered on for the late night meetings do not back-up the next morning.

There is a growing trend to training partnerships with six of the top eight on the Victoria premiership training as partners and hence able to share the load, while in NSW the number is six out of the top 15, four of the top 11 in Queensland and four of the top seven in Queensland.

Veteran Rosehill trainer Gerald Ryan has adopted later starting times since the Equine Influenza and believes it’s up to individual stables to decide what works for them, provided the administration allows.

The master horseman pushed work back an hour in 2007 (the year of EI) and insists it’s a move others can make if early starting times are having a negative impact on their stable.

“We have always started an hour later than everyone else at Rosehill,” Ryan said. “We don‘t start until 4.30 and most start at half past 3 or a quarter to 4 and that’s their prerogative.

“Why does everybody have to do it? The track at Randwick opens at 4 o‘clock and at Rosehill it opens at 4.30.

“The grass tracks open at Rosehill straight away but I think they are going to move it to 5am like it is at Randwick but that doesn’t worry me anyway.”

Gerald Ryan has adopted later starting times since equine influenza. Picture: Getty Images

Ryan believes the issue of racing burnout is more about staff management rather than making drastic changes. He thinks moving trackwork times would have an adverse effect on staff availability and their capacity to fulfil other work commitments.

“I have got nine trackwork riders and seven of them work second jobs,” Ryan said. “The other two work around the stables. One of our riders, who has been with us six or seven years, leaves some mornings at 7 o‘clock and other mornings 7.30.

“If they pushed it back an hour, she has to give up riding work or give up her other job.”

Ryan has been training for three decades and has no issue with the amount of racing in the state or night meetings.

He has recently become part of a growing trend in racing of conditioners forming training partnerships and shares his stable duties with Sterling Alexiou.

The pair often alternate attending meetings, particularly those at night, and Ryan says it‘s up to people to determine if the hours are suitable for them.

“No one has ever walked away from the job because of the hours they work and it‘s everyone’s prerogative what time they start,” Ryan said.

“The baker’s bake their bread in the middle of the night, the papers get printed in the middle of the night, the milkman delivers in the middle of the night.”
